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Shree Jagannathdham Temple

Shree Jagannathdham Temple In Mosabani, Jharkhand is an Identical temple of Puri Jagannath Temple Odisha. Where Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and elder brother Balabhadra are being worshipped. The deities are seated on the Bejeweled Pedestal (Ratna Simhassana). Jagannatha is considered as the supreme god and the sovereign monarch of the Odishan Empire.

Jagannatha represents an integration of all important Hindu cultures which flourished in India, namely, the Vedic, the Puranic, the Tantric, the Smarta and the Vaisnava, along with Jainism, Buddhism and that of the aboriginal tribes. The Vaisnavas of all schools, i.e., Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Caitanya or Mlidhva Goudiya, Radha Vallabhl, Atibadi Odisi - all have great faith in Jagannatha.


Shree Jagannath

Puja Schedules

Shree Jagannath

Attributes of Temple

We are a Hindu that belives in Lord Rama and Vishnu Deva the followers and We are a Hindu that belives in Lord Rama and Vishnu Deva.


Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.

Seva Suchi

Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.

Book Seva

Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.


Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.

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Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.


Donation is a good act amet quam vehicula elementum sed.

Shree Jagannath

Our Trustees/Sponsers


committee member

Sri Ram das Soren (MLA)
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committee member

Sri Banshidhar Singhania
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committee member

Sri Laxmi Narayan Nayak
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committee member

Sri Tapan Kumar Mohanty
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What Our Congregation Say


If money help a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better.


If money help a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better.

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Our Membership Plans

Be a Member
Patron Member
  1. Naividyam (Anna Prasad), Tulsi garland and owers to be offered on EVERY PURNIMA in the name of the member.
  2. A ag will be tied on the Neelachakra at the top of the temple in the member’s name with special puja once a year.
  3. Special Puja on Birthday/Anniversary etc with Naibedyam will be offered in the name of the all family members on SEVEN occasions in a year as selected by the member.
  4. Special YAGNYA, in the name of the member, ONCE a year on the nominaed day.
Donation amount Rs. 100000 - more/
Pious Member
  1. Naividyam (Anna Prasad), Tulsi garland and owers to be offered on EVERY PURNIMA in the name of the member.
  2. A ag will be tied on the Neelachakra at the top of the temple in the member’s name with special puja once a year.
  3. Special Puja on Birthday/Anniversary etc with Naibedyam will be offered in the name of the all family members on SEVEN occasions in a year as selected by the member.
Donation amount Rs. 50000 - 99999/

Shree Jagannath

Temple Sponsors/Partners


If money help a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better.


If money help a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better.


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